Mobility Scooter Servicing: A Guide

If you are considering having your mobility scooter serviced, you may be wondering about the process. This article will guide you through the things a mechanic will check when servicing a mobility scooter

Battery check

The battery is one of the most important parts of your mobility scooter. The battery's job is to provide the electrical energy which powers the wheels and the lights. If your battery has damaged terminals, it can affect your ability to travel. Batteries lose a charge when not in use, and this can cause some serious problems. If you do not use your scooter on a regular basis, you may find that it does not hold as much charge as it should. A mechanic can test the current health of the battery and perform a visual inspection for any signs of damage.

Tyre inspection

Your mobility scooter's tyres are another important part of the machine. The condition of the tyres will affect the speed and comfort you experience while travelling, as well as the speed you are able to travel over bumps and rough surfaces. A mechanic will check the depth of the tread on each tyre. When tyres become worn or punctured, they may lose the ability to grip the road, and you will be unable to travel safely. If the tyres are inflated, the mechanic will also check that they are at the correct pressure. If need be, they will pump air into the tyres to reinflate them to the correct pressure.

Brake testing

When you're travelling at speed, a lack of braking capability can have serious consequences. The mechanic will inspect the brake pads for signs of wear and tear. They will also test the brake controls to make sure all inputs are functioning correctly.

Oil level and oil change

Oil is a very important part of the internal workings of your mobility scooter. Motor oil is used to lubricate and cool the motor, as well as protect the bearings and gears. When the lubricant levels become low or if the oil is dirty, it could cause serious damage to the engine and gears on your scooter. The mechanic will check the oil levels and the quality of the oil. If needed, they will drain unclean oil or perform an oil change.

Keep your scooter maintained to ensure that it's always working as smoothly as possible. For more information, contact a local scooter servicing centre.

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Britney's Brilliant Business Blog

Hi, there! I would like to offer you a very warm welcome to my blog. If you had asked me last year if I would ever had my own business blog, I would have laughed and said no! However, last July, I met a wonderful woman who became a very good friend. She was interested in my home crafts and suggested I scale the idea up into a business. I was unsure at first because I had no idea how to run a business, but my new friend suggested that I shadow her at work so I could learn some skills. I learnt so much that I decided to start a blog.



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